Writer and politician, born in Pamplona / Iruña in the Pyrenean Isthmus, on May 7, 1854, years later put into practice the laws of the Courts of Madrid, 1837, 1839 and 1841 that removed the Kingdom of Navarre to become province. This weighed heavily on Campion's life until his death in 1937.
At 19 years of age had already studied at the University of Oñate, Gipuzkoa, to continue later in Madrid, earning a degree in law at age 22 in 1876.
At 26 published ballad Orreaga , dropped several dialects and sub-dialects for purposes of comparative linguistics (1880).
At 27 he began his first series of Basque stories later was to include in books under the title "Euskariana. Fantasy and Reality" (1881).
At 29, the Essay on the phonetic laws of language Euskara (1883).
At 30, he wrote a large Bascongada Grammar of the four literary dialects of the language Euskara (1884) with 893 p. and a complicated series of inserts of the conjugations of verbs in all treatments.
At 31, did the portrait Victor Hugo (1885).
At 35, he published the novel Don Garcia Almoravid , the subject of strong historic and dramatic (1889).
At 36, the first book in the very important series "Euskariana".
At 38, a new Euskariana , under the heading of "Fantasy and Reality" with his first novel-like productions.
At 39, entered the political arena with his book The Battle girl Mr. Nocedal (1893), this year being named Member of Parliament without being militant to any political party.
At 40, new Euskariana , then he revealed as an investigator who fully entered into the archives of the kingdom.
At 45, his second great novel, drama, Blacks and Whites (1898), which showed the influence of Unamuno's "Complete Works", Vol. VI. At 47, Euskara personality in history, law and literature (1901).
At 50, he acted as president of " Euskaltzaleen Biltzarra "in Irun (1904).
At 53, Political and literary discourses (1907).
At 54, Conference on Basque nationalism in Gernika, printed in 1908.
At 55, the great novel printed in two volumes La Bella Easo (1909).
At 56, published Euskaldun Origins of the People (1910).
At 60, helped in the "Geography of the Basque Country and Navarre" with a major study, Nabarra in his historical life , in which, he changed the course of the historiography of Navarre (1914).
At 63, new Euskariana series "Fantasy and Reality", which are the most valuable literary productions of the author (1918). Named this year's Honorary Chairman of the Society of Basque Studies Congress created in Oñate sponsored by four Basque provinces.
At 64, published an original work of The languages and particularly of the baska as a tool of historical research (1919).
At 66, disclosed in Bilbao magazine "Hermes" the trial Is ugly or beautiful the Basque race? , commenting on the paintings of Basque painters of the time (1920).
At 68, new Euskariana , studies and historical research (1923).
At 72, the first volume of the Origins of euskaldun people .
At 74, is published in the aforementioned book in its historical life Nabarra (1927).
At 77, the second volume of Origins of the People Euskaldun (1931).
At 80, Eleventh Euskariana with first-hand historical research (1934).
At 82, twelfth Euskariana and third volume of Origins of the People Euskaldun , which was to remain unfinished (1936).
He died in 1937, left unpublished a Euskariana on "Language Arts euskaras", another on "History", and finally one called No Euskariana on art criticism and history. It is also known for a novel in progress, The Nun.
Campion was Academic of the Academy of the Basque Language, Correspondent of the Royal Academy of History, Moral and Political Sciences and the Academy of the Spanish Language. He was president for life of the Basque Studies Society and the entity -Esnalea Euskal .
Politically it is not possible to point Campion as a member of any political party but in his youth he felt federal Republican. Soon left his republicanism, with the fall of Castelar and the dissolution of Congress by General Pavia, but staid with his federalism formula that considered compatible with the state statutory law always respected until then. In his own words was left with the essential and the accidental rejects. It was no longer a Republican, nor monarchist, Carlist, fundamentalist, not even Basque nationalist. Was never affiliated to any party. His political activity started from the love of his Campionek Euskal Herriarekiko. He always felt Nabarran , he used to say, "I have always cheered my homeland and I intend to so until my death."
Campion's entire work is in favor of the slogan stamped on his books, " "Euskalerriaren Alde "(Pro Euskalerria). His will never failed. Even without knowing the Basque language, he learnt it His grammar knowledge was very much improved at that time. He had many clashes and violent disputes with the Carlists and even with the Basque nationalists, especially Goiri Arana. At 39 years old, faces in Congress with the minister Gamazo in bold and energetic debate. It was at that time, perhaps the only Christian member of Congress without a political statutory partisanship. He continued working in the task of achieving the restoration of "foralidad" of Navarre based in philological, legal, anthropological, historical, sociological, political, literary criticism and even cultivated musical and art studies.
He was a versatile man and very capable researcher and writer. He always wanted to know the truth and that caused him bitterness and disappointment, but never gave up. Instead, he searched the remedy with redoubled effort and lived in constant anxiety to the course of the increasingly adverse events. Arturo Jaime Campion was a Nabarran with Basque graft blood in his veins.
He began his literary career influenced by Spanish literature, bombastic and declamatory, and gradually evolved towards short phrase and the strong line, sometimes even violent. Some of his compositions are more pieces of jewelry: Gratxina, La Flor de Larralde, Sancho Garces, Yan Pier Bidart, The Bard of Izalzu ... His literary work begins with stories and legends and continues with the historical novel as was fashionable then, but more dramatic and less descriptive, strong, and less romantic than Navarro Villoslada, his countryman.
Historical research was his first order, thorough and objective as well as copious, as each volume of his "euskarianas" contains about 500 pages. This research shaped the literary work then too often. His famous Gossip Column of the history of Nabarre becomes the novel Don Garcia Almoravid and the study of the "Chanson de Roland" by Bedier, in his precious jewel Itzalzu The Bard . His novels Whites and Blacks and La Bella Easo are somewhat harsh realism and naturalistic at times. For this reason he had to support more than one adverse criticism for those passages labeled as somewhat crude for its time. Nothing mattered and he went on his way unperturbed. Sample of this naturalism is, for example his novella A Night in Zugarramurd.
Campion, enthusiastic and tireless, tenacious and very methodical historian, more literate and more generally Basque as their first publications were almost narrowly Navarre the province. "I learned Euskera following an incident in Parliament", he once said. He spoke and wrote in Euskera enough to lead by example. He began by Orreaga , legend Denbora antziñakoen ondo esanak Euskera and translation of Tolstoy's tale entitled ta Malaxka Akulina . There are also cases of letters from him in Euskera.
In Spanish literature he never found no echo because of the statutory emphasis of all his works. Only the Countess of Pardo Bazán and the wayward Unamuno devoted rave, something rather rare in the latter.
Legend Dembora antziñakoen translated it into French-Delbasc Fuché including it in the book "Contes espagnoles." Pedro Mari was translated into German by Mrs. Elsa Otten (two editions) and the novel Blacks and Whites also into German by Karl Voigt, although apparently was never published because of the war.
In recent years, have been translated into Euskera La Flor de Larralde , by Domingo Aguirre, Pedro Mari , by P. Just Mari Mokoroa and several short stories by Dz. Zunzunegui, Zarautz. The Bard of Itzalzu has been staged by Ruiz Anibarro and represented in Buenos Aires, and the adaptation of Garces Sancho became the opera "Zigor" with the teacherEscudero. But Campion's own preference was for his novel La Bella Easo , because in it, he said, "is represented everything I want it to be and do not want it to be, what I love and what I hate: This book is my whole thougt. "
In life he was known as Don Arturo, and was subject of two major tributes and others less important. His bust in bronze, the work of Orduna, presided at the Library of the Society of Basque Studies and the Institute of Julio de Urquijo, Donostia-San Sebastian.
He died in Donostia, in the Pyrenean Isthmus, in August 18th. 1937. . The outbreak of civil war found him blind but fully lucid.
That day, a statement appeared in "El Diario de Navarra" a rumor speculating about Campion's possible participation on the rebel side of the Spanish Civil War...but Bernardo Estornes who knew him and visited him in those dark days denied it. This is the story of Estornés in his memoirs ( Memories. Memories and adventures of a century , Auñamendi, Donostia, No. 143-144 (1996), 163-165):
"Following the last war have been attributed to Don Arturo Campion attitudes strongly disagree with his long life of militant Basque. Among them stands out for its importance to the letter dated 14 September 1936 received the Diario de Navarra. Reads :
Donostia, September 14, 1936.
I have the pleasure to record that, freed the city of Red tyranny, let me say, while my most energetic protest by the unqualified come from Basque nationalism, my unwavering commitment to the National Board of Burgos. Arturo Campion.
But it so happens that, days before the date of this letter, the day after the occupation of the city by Franco, a relative of Campion called me by phone to discuss an urgent matter. I then found myself in Zarauz and immediately went to Donostia in person to the home of Don Arturo. On the way I heard some shots. I went across the railroad tracks and headed towards the famous village "Enea Emilia" in Ategorrieta. Leaving in the window an ikurriña waving, which meant in those tragic moments, to some extent, a certain security.
I received the widow of Vila, a soldier who had been murdered in the street with his minor child. A horrendous crime. Had surrendered the headquarters of Loyola, to be among the surrendered two nephews of Mr. Arthur if I remember correctly. Their lives were in danger and had to do something for them. Presumably a painful picture. The widow, distraught, crying, held and maintained that her husband had never been involved in anything. They accused him of having caught firing from a window or roof. The other person present there was Don Arturo, blind for several years, destroyed health, diabetes, cracked voice, and, above all, almost centennial.
He repeated words and harsh sentencing for rebellion. I listened in awe. The lifetime Campion lucid, energetic, struggling in an uncontrollable anxiety. For Campion loved dearly his nephews to whom he dedicated, in its day, some of the most pressing literary compositions. Don Arthur was a widower for many years and had no children. So, their families were their closest relatives.
I do not know what would have happened that September 14 de1936, but I can imagine. It was the height of the violence and they were not going to stop in small minutiae. The fight propaganda played its climax. I do not prejudge anything about that statement. Allow me, however, some comments.
First, the rush to write this note the day after the occupation of the city.
Second, the nature of it and his writing, which is unusual prose of Don Arturo.
"I have the pleasure" to leave proof. Yes, Arturo took great pleasure. "Liberated" the city. "Red Tyranny." "My strongest protest." "Unspeakable act". And above all, 'Accession unwavering, "the National Board of Burgos." It just does not prove anything, that writing was indeed a hoax, nothing else.
"Following the last war have been attributed to Don Arturo Campion attitudes strongly disagree with his long life of militant Basque. Among them stands out for its importance to the letter dated 14 September 1936 received the Diario de Navarra. Reads :
Donostia, September 14, 1936.
I have the pleasure to record that, freed the city of Red tyranny, let me say, while my most energetic protest by the unqualified come from Basque nationalism, my unwavering commitment to the National Board of Burgos. Arturo Campion.
But it so happens that, days before the date of this letter, the day after the occupation of the city by Franco, a relative of Campion called me by phone to discuss an urgent matter. I then found myself in Zarauz and immediately went to Donostia in person to the home of Don Arturo. On the way I heard some shots. I went across the railroad tracks and headed towards the famous village "Enea Emilia" in Ategorrieta. Leaving in the window an ikurriña waving, which meant in those tragic moments, to some extent, a certain security.
I received the widow of Vila, a soldier who had been murdered in the street with his minor child. A horrendous crime. Had surrendered the headquarters of Loyola, to be among the surrendered two nephews of Mr. Arthur if I remember correctly. Their lives were in danger and had to do something for them. Presumably a painful picture. The widow, distraught, crying, held and maintained that her husband had never been involved in anything. They accused him of having caught firing from a window or roof. The other person present there was Don Arturo, blind for several years, destroyed health, diabetes, cracked voice, and, above all, almost centennial.
He repeated words and harsh sentencing for rebellion. I listened in awe. The lifetime Campion lucid, energetic, struggling in an uncontrollable anxiety. For Campion loved dearly his nephews to whom he dedicated, in its day, some of the most pressing literary compositions. Don Arthur was a widower for many years and had no children. So, their families were their closest relatives.
I do not know what would have happened that September 14 de1936, but I can imagine. It was the height of the violence and they were not going to stop in small minutiae. The fight propaganda played its climax. I do not prejudge anything about that statement. Allow me, however, some comments.
First, the rush to write this note the day after the occupation of the city.
Second, the nature of it and his writing, which is unusual prose of Don Arturo.
"I have the pleasure" to leave proof. Yes, Arturo took great pleasure. "Liberated" the city. "Red Tyranny." "My strongest protest." "Unspeakable act". And above all, 'Accession unwavering, "the National Board of Burgos." It just does not prove anything, that writing was indeed a hoax, nothing else.
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