It seems like the Pyrenean nations based on their Pyrenean Laws and Rights, as well as cultures are rising like baker's yeast all over the isthmus. This is nothing new, after all, that is the way it used to be, during periods of feudalism and well before that, considerable number of small independent countries (known historically as kingdoms, ducats, counties, principalities, etc.),
With the numerous waves of invasions from South to North and from East to West, all those small national entities were constantly eroded and even partially or totally destroyed. But apparently, never died off. Their dormant stage remained there, and now in this new cycle of history are coming back with formidable strength. Catalonia is a clear example of that.

PYRENEAN ISTHMUS AND PERIPHERIA In this blog we are going to try to bring you any kind of useful information that has happened and is happening all along The Pyrenean Isthmus and peripheria, from ocean to ocean and from river to river. We hope you find it useful and enjoyable. And at the same time, we invite you to send us any information related to the subject in any language to be translated into English, by our staff. The address to contact us is: