

Monday, 19 of September of 2011.Andorra La Viella.

The head of the Andorran Government, Toni Martí, has addressed to the population this Monday evening in a speech televised in which has marked the steps of the action to follow from the part of the Government of this legislature with the intention to enhance a model of national growth.

Among those measures are to increase of taxes of higher incomes; to open foreign investment; to low the salaries higher than 3000 euros of government employees; to stop excessively expensive projects; to do a better control over the temporary incapacities; and to modify the reimbursement of certain medicines.

In a speech addressed to the citizenship, issued by Andorra Television, that lasted 35 minutes, Toni Martí, from his office described each of the measures planned to face the crisis during this legislature. After remembering the simple "and humble origins" of the country, has said that "it is necessary to recover the values" that made Andorra big and that now that the country goes through difficulties it is necessary that "all, each in the measure of his possibilities, give back to our country a part of what generously has given us". Regarding the concrete measures -"necessary, but no sufficient", he has focused on his electoral proposals.

The first of the fields that has detailed has been the one of the Social Security. Toni Martí has said that "the efforts no only will have to intensify on the users of the CASS, but also on the lenders of services", these measures will be taken to reduce expenses since the negative result of the CASS foreseen for the next year "will surpass the 40 million euros". Has comfirmed that he will make space to comply with his propositions made during his campaign: Insurance converage of people older than 25, to provide unemployment insurance and to reduce the payments of social security for self employed.

Marti has assured that health and education will be the areas least affected by the budget reduction. Luxury infrastructures will be stopped, and the push for tourism will be almost doubled. Among one of his most important infrastructure projects is the construction of a national heliport, which would make possible connect Andorra with the airports of Barcelona and Tolosa (Toulouse) in less than half hour.

In regard to the public workforce, has announced a freeze on wages above 3000 euros, for which has made an appeal of patriotism and generosity to the affected people. Also talked about doing a deep reform of the "comus" as well as of the country as a whole.

At the same time, has announced modifications in taxes of all kinds, from the TVA to the income tax, making clear that those who make more money would pay more taxes, and those who made little money would be exempt of such practice, depending on their income.

He also mentioned something about "a deep change of mentality", rejecting all sort of protectionisms. He will fight for foreign investment openness by modifying the law of foreign investment and changing the scope of the passive residences making them more useful and dynamic to the economy of Andorra. And also to sign economical treaties with France and Spain, as neighbors.

Also, he mentioned providing more credit and financing to private projects, large or small ones. The Chief of Government finally insisted in the importance of carrying these proposals with unity and sense of responsibility, paying more attention to that which unify than to the possible discrepancies.





Duke of Aquitaine and Vasconie (Gascony), born in 665 A.D.succeeded his father Boggison about 681.
He added to his dominions large tracts obtained by conquest from the Kings of Austrasia and Neustria. In 720 a large army of Saracens invaded his dominions, and were signally defeated near Tolosa (Toulouse), the capital of Eudon. About 732 Aquitaine was invaded by Abderrahman the Saracen, who defeated Eudon. The latter then solicited the aid of his former enemy Charles Martel, who gained an important victory over the Saracens at Poitiers. Died in 735 A.D.